Wednesday, July 9, 2008

not always what we expect

Isn't it so typical when we strive for something for so long, whether it's a job, money, love interest....and when we get what we want, it's not what we expected? In fact, a lot of times, we dislike for what we had been striving! Why is it that we can't just figure out what we want and go after it? Why must there always be a production, an awaited entrance?
But I guess that's the spice of life....the not knowing. Maybe madness is needed for the method. Maybe we all have to be a little lost in order to find what exactly we are looking Jack in "Pirates". What's an experience worth if there is no adventure? I've decided that this year, my last as a high school kid, I'm going to try new things....maybe I'll join another sports team, or maybe the Chess club! (Chess isn't dorky at my school...there is even a tournament. It's treated with the highest of respect!) That way, after trying different things, I'll get a little lost about what it is I exactly like. Maybe I'll find something out about myself that I'm not expecting.
Let's start now, shall we?
I encourage all who read, if just a few, to try one thing this week or next that isn't normal for you. Go to the gym, eat fried eggs and ham, or go on a hike. Do something out of the ordinary and maybe find a hidden talent you never knew exhisted!
Blog here and let me know if it works!

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